Management of bile duct injuries - Endoscopic approach
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Gianfranco Donatelli
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Multiple classification schemes exist for bile duct injuries (BDI). While the classification by Bismuth and Lazorthes is customary for open surgery, it has been extended by various authors for laparoscopic surgery (such as the Strasberg and Stewart-Way classifications). Recognition of the injury mechanism and extent are essential for a targeted therapy. For endoscopists, the classification by Bergman et al. is customary, including four types of ductal injury:
o A: Leakage from cystic duct or peripheral hepatic radicles
o B: Major bile duct leakage
o C: Isolated duct stricture
o D: Complete transection
When extraluminal rendezvous procedures are performed by experts, technical success in bile duct reconstruction can reach up to 100%, with a 5-year clinical success rate of 45-68%. Predictive factors for failure are hilar injuries, length of defect/loss of substance, vascular injury, and chronic lesions.
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