My lessons

An educational program developed by the Institute of Image-Guided Surgery of Strasbourg, University of Strasbourg and in partnership with IRCAD.

Gerd - Hiatal Hernia
Esophageal Motility Disorders
Gerd - Hiatal Hernia
Esophageal Motility Disorders


In Module Two, we approach the “Digestive System” in 4 parts: the esophagus, stomach, small bowel, and colon. An additional chapter will focus on bariatrics. For each, we discuss the unique anatomy, pathology, surgical and endoscopic knowledge and the complications involved. We will cover diagnostic EGD, surveillance and treatment of Barrett’s esophagus (including advanced imaging techniques) and therapeutic basics such as biopsy, tissue resection and ablation – for esophagus and stomach as well. From there we address enteral access and the unique diagnostic and therapeutic issues in the colon and rectum...



In Module Two, we approach the “Digestive System” in 4 parts: the esophagus, stomach, small bowel, and colon. An additional chapter will focus on bariatrics. For each, we discuss the unique anatomy, pathology, surgical and endoscopic knowledge and the complications involved. We will cover diagnostic EGD, surveillance and treatment of Barrett’s esophagus (including advanced imaging techniques) and therapeutic basics such as biopsy, tissue resection and ablation – for esophagus and stomach as well. From there we address enteral access and the unique diagnostic and therapeutic issues in the colon and rectum. Special interests and focus also include advanced therapeutic endoscopy, comprehensive open and laparoscopic surgical care for complex laparoscopic foregut surgery, inflammatory bowel disease surgical care, colorectal and anorectal surgery, surgical care for gastrointestinal malignancies using evidence-based practice guidelines.

We will then revisit the stomach in regard to bariatrics, first discussing endoscopic management of failures and complications after primary surgery. Finally we cover the rapidly evolving area of primary endoscopic bariatric and metabolic procedures.

17 lessons

21 speakers

18:50 hours


Course directors

Silvana Perretta

Silvana Perretta

Ivo Boškoski

Ivo Boškoski

Manoel Galvao Neto

Manoel Galvao Neto


  • Safely and effective access the upper and lower GI tract with a variety of endoscopes.
  • Recognize and manage abnormal findings of the GI tract, with an understanding of the pertinent anatomy, pathology and imaging.
  • Recognize and understand how to evaluate post-surgical anatomy of the GI tract, with an understanding normal versus abnormal postoperative findings.
  • Recognize and treat surgical and endoscopic complications in the digestive tract.
  • Be able to perform basic upper and lower GI diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, including:
    • Tissue biopsy
    • Ablation
    • Hemostasis
    • Dilation of stenoses
    • Endoscopic enteral access
    • Placement of stents for palliation of management of complications
  • Understand the advanced endoscopic techniques for treatment of GERD, Barrett’s esophagus, achalasia and obesity.

Gerd - Hiatal Hernia

Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and gastro-esophageal reflux disease

Upper Gastro-intestinal endoscopy is key in the diagnosis and classification of gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD). In the near future endoscopy may play an important therapeutic role with several endoscopic antireflux techniques that have been developed.

28 min Bernard Dallemagne

Laparoscopic Antireflux Surgery for GERD

Surgical treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease was described 50 years ago. Laparoscopic anti-reflux procedures were introduced 20 years ago.

35 min Bernard Dallemagne

Esophageal Motility Disorders

Achalasia diagnosis and treatment

The last three decades have witnessed a progressive evolution in the surgical treatment of esophageal achalasia, with a shift from open to a minimally invasive Heller myotomy.

42 min Silvana Perretta


When and how to take biopsies

This talk covers the main indications and techniques of biopsy sampling for the main gastrointestinal diseases.

11 min Cristiano Spada


Endoscopic treatment to CBD stones after gastric bypass

Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) remains the most commonly performed surgical laparoscopic procedure worldwide to treat morbid obesity. The incidence of biliary stones formation after bariatric surgery is higher than in the overall population due to the rapid weight loss.

9 min Gianfranco Donatelli

Metabolic Endoscopy

In this lecture, Dr Galvao Neto will describe how metabolic endoscopy helps in the treatment of what is defined by the WHO as Globesity and Diabesity.  

20 min Manoel Galvao Neto
